Budget Process

The PAC raises money as a way to help support the Seymour Heights’ Teachers and students with additional items and/or events not covered in the school’s yearly budget.  The PAC’s budget is set every year based on requests from teachers, Admin, parents and students.  These requests help drive our fundraising goals.



1.  In the spring, Admin are asked to submit a detailed budget wish list that outlines requests from the teachers and school administration.  The Chair and Treasurer meet with Admin to review the wish list.

2. The PAC Executive meets and discusses the needs of the school and determines what monies will be spent during the following school year, based on the wish list and suggestions from members at the PAC Annual General Meeting (AGM), typically held in May.

3. The finalized budget is presented to the PAC during the June PAC meeting for approval.


Fundraising Guidelines

  • All money raised should have a purpose.

  • All money kept should have a purpose.

